Follow Along
I am in the process of reorganizing the content on the blog into more defined categories. This was a suggestion from one of my readers. There are so many pit stops on the long journey from an affair and divorce to co-parenting and re-marriage. I want to make sure this community is comforted at all of the various points along the way. As I am putting some finishing touches on my book, I am reminded just how long and continual the healing process is. I want to be your hope for love again and a healthy heart, but I also want to comfort your grief and encourage your healing!
With that, I wanted to encourage you to follow my friends over at Bloom. You can check out their site, but even just their Insta is awesome! Nothing like thumbing through your feed to find just the encouragement you need at the exact time you need it. I recorded a podcast with them a couple months back and partnering with them was a real treat!
So there's a quick update from my heart to yours. I have much to share in the next month about small triumphs from my summer. Sending an, "atta girl" your way for all of the triumphs made, big or small. Keep it up!