Divorce Parties


Happy Friday! To be quite real (because I am typically SUPER closed off. ha.), some weeks life bombards me with the 9-5, toddler parenting, emotional setbacks, and well, all of life’s day-to-day happenings. Sometimes these weeks launch me into writing, like the realllllly good and raw stuff. And then sometimes these weeks shove me into an introverted state of alone time, reading, processing, and repeat. If you catch a trend on the blog where I am sharing some good stuff that I’ve read, you can assume my week has gone that route. With that, there are simply times where my fingers can’t type the feelings in a way that I want, yet my eyes so happen to read the perfectly written words of another. It’s then that those words align with my heart as if I wrote them myself. Yet another reason why community is so incredibly rad.

My friends over at Verily wrote a piece on Divorce Parties (yes, that’s a thing). They took my introverted thoughts on the matter and beautifully composed them into this:

Are Divorce Parties a Healthy Way to Heal? This Therapist Doesn’t Think So

Praying for your hearts this weekend, whatever state they may be in. <3

Image by Brittany Ewart